Near Neighbor Search in Large Metric Spaces Sergey Brin - GNAT -- Geometric Near-neighbor Access Tree
A compact space decomposition for effective metric indexing Edgar Chavez, Gonzalo Navarro |
A new version of the nearest-neighbour approximating and eliminating search algorithm (AESA) with linear preprocessing time and memory requirements María Luisa Micó, José Oncina, Enrique Vidal |
Clustering Billions of Images with Large Scale Nearest Neighbor Search Ting Liu, Charles Rosenberg, Herny A. Rowley |
Cover trees for nearest neighbor Alina Beygelzimer, Sham Kakade, John Langford |
Data Structures and Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search in General Metric Spaces. Peter N. Yianilos. - Review on Vantage-point (VP-trees) trees modifications
Engineering Efficient Metric Indexes Kimmo Fredriksson - The author surveys several important metric-space indexing methods.
Fast Approximate String Matching in a Dictionary Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Gonzalo Navarro - Using metric trees for off-line string matching, comparison of several metric (triangulation trees) for the purpose of dictionary string searching.
Five Balltree Construction Algorithms Stephen M. Omohundro |
Indexing large metric spaces for similarity search queries T Bozkaya, M Ozsoyoglu |
Metric Databases Gonzalo Navarro, Edgar Chavez - A short and precise review on problems, techniques and benefits of metric indexes for searching unstructured data
On Locality Sensitive Hashing in Metric Spaces Eric Sadit Tellez, Edgar Chavez |
Satisfying general proximity/similarity queries with metric trees J. K. Uhlmann |
Scalable Distributed Algorithm for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Problem in High Dimensional General Metric Spaces Yury Malkov, Alexander Ponomarenko, Andrey Logvinov, Vladimir Krylov |
Searching in Metric Spaces E Chavez, G Navarro, R Baeza-Yates, J L Marroqun - A comprehensive review of search techniques for general metric spaces
Searching in metric spaces by spatial approximation Gonzalo Navarro |
The Homepage of Nearest Neighbors and Similarity Search Yury Lifshits - Tutorial, links, references and people