Various performance aspects. |
Compression of Inverted Indexes For Fast Query Evaluation Falk Scholer, Hugh E. Williams, John Yiannis, Justin Zobel |
Efficient compressed inverted index skipping for disjunctive text-queries Simon Jonassen, Svein Erik Bratsberg |
Efficient Query Evaluation using a Two-Level Retrieval Process Andrei Z. Broder, David Carmel, Michael Herscovici, Aya Soffer, Jason Zien |
Giulio Ermanno Pibiri, Rossano Venturini - a description of modern compression techniques including bitpacking, Elias-Fano, and partitioned Elias-Fano.
Index Compression using Fixed Binary Codewords Vo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat |
Intersection in Integer Inverted Indices Peter Sanders, Frederik Transie |
Inverted Index Compression Using Word-Aligned Binary Codes Vo Ngoc Anh, and Alistair Moffat - Authors examine index representation techniques for document-based inverted files, and present a mechanism for compressing them using word-aligned binary codes.
PERMUTERM SUBJECT INDEX... the Primordial Dictionary of Science Eugene Garfield |
Self-Indexing Inverted Files for Fast Text Retrieval ALISTAIR MOFFAT, JUSTIN ZOBEL |
Term-ordered query evaluation versus document-ordered query evaluation for large document databases Marcin Kaszkiel, Justin Zobel |
Using graphics processors for high performance IR query processing. S. Ding, J. He, H. Yan, T. Suel. |
What's Next? Index Structures for Efficient Phrase Querying H. E. Williams, J. Zobel, P. Anderson - A description of nextword indexes, i.e., inverted files that contain postings of adjacent word paris, which can be used for efficient evaluation of phrase queries.