English»Classic Information Retrieval»Indexing Techniques»Efficiency | searchivarius.org
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Various performance aspects.

Compression of Inverted Indexes For Fast Query Evaluation  Falk Scholer, Hugh E. Williams, John Yiannis, Justin Zobel
Efficient compressed inverted index skipping for disjunctive text-queries  Simon Jonassen, Svein Erik Bratsberg
Efficient Query Evaluation using a Two-Level Retrieval Process  Andrei Z. Broder, David Carmel, Michael Herscovici, Aya Soffer, Jason Zien
Giulio Ermanno Pibiri, Rossano Venturini   - a description of modern compression techniques including bitpacking, Elias-Fano, and partitioned Elias-Fano.
Index Compression using Fixed Binary Codewords  Vo Ngoc Anh, Alistair Moffat
Intersection in Integer Inverted Indices  Peter Sanders, Frederik Transie
Inverted Index Compression Using Word-Aligned Binary Codes  Vo Ngoc Anh, and Alistair Moffat - Authors examine index representation techniques for document-based inverted files, and present a mechanism for compressing them using word-aligned binary codes.
PERMUTERM SUBJECT INDEX... the Primordial Dictionary of Science  Eugene Garfield
Self-Indexing Inverted Files for Fast Text Retrieval  ALISTAIR MOFFAT, JUSTIN ZOBEL
Term-ordered query evaluation versus document-ordered query evaluation for large document databases  Marcin Kaszkiel, Justin Zobel
Using graphics processors for high performance IR query processing.  S. Ding, J. He, H. Yan, T. Suel.
What's Next? Index Structures for Efficient Phrase Querying  H. E. Williams, J. Zobel, P. Anderson - A description of nextword indexes, i.e., inverted files that contain postings of adjacent word paris, which can be used for efficient evaluation of phrase queries.