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Donald Metzler  
Alan Smeaton  
Amit Singhal   - Amit Singhal is a computer scientist and a disciple of Gerard Salton. Currently he is a Google fellow and a head of Google core ranking team.
Andrei. Z Broder   - Andrei Zary Broder is a Research Fellow and Vice President of Emerging Search Technology for Yahoo!. He previously has worked for AltaVista as the vice president of research, and for IBM Research as a Distinguished Engineer and CTO of IBM. He is the author of many influential papers.
Avi Arampatzis  
Bruce Croft   - W. Bruce Croft is a distinguished professor of computer science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is the founder of the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval
C. J. Keith van Rijsbergen   - Professor, a leader of the Glagow IR group.
Christos Faloutsos  
Dan Weld  
Daniel Lemire   - Computer Science Professor at UQAM and Open Scholar. Interests: Databases, Data Warehousing and OLAP, Recommender Systems and Collaborative Filtering, Information Retrieval.
Dina Demner-Fushman  
Einat Amitay   - A scientist, a trailblazer, and a creator of webir.org: an excellent collection of on-line resources on web information retrieval and extraction.
Eric Nyberg  
Eugene Garfield   - Eugene Garfield is one of the founders of bibliometrics and scientometrics.
Evgeniy Gabrilovich   - Evgeniy Gabrilovich is a Director of Research and Head of the NLP & IR Group at Yahoo! Research.
Fabiano C. Botelho   - Focuses on compression methods and perfect hashing.
Filip Radlinski  
Gonzalo Navarro   - The personal page of the co-author of "Flexible Pattern Matching in Strings", CV and publications
Gordon V. Cormack  
Hector Garcia-Molina   - Hector Garcia-Molina is the Leonard Bosack and Sandra Lerner Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, Stanford, California.
Hugh E. William  Hugh E. William - A search engineer, a former professor (at RMIT) and a former manager of the Bing team.
Jacques Savoy  
Justin Zobel   - The co-author of "Managing Gigabyte", one of the leading members of Melbourne University IR group
Krishna Bharat   - Krishna Bharat is a Distinguished Researcher at Google and a creator of Google News.
Lawrence Cayton  
Mark D. Smucker  Mark D. Smucker - Design and analysis of interactive information retrieval systems.
Mark Sanderson   - The homepage of Mark Sanderson
Michael S. Lew  
Olivier Chapelle  Olivier Chapelle - Olivier Chapelle is senior reseach scientist in machine learning at Yahoo!
Ricardo Baeza-Yates   - A co-author of "Modern Information Retrieval", the director of Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain and Yahoo! Research Latin America at Santiago, Chile
Soumen Chakrabarti  
Stephen Robertson  Stephen Robertson - Stephen Robertson is a British computer scientist. In 1998 he joined the Cambridge branch of Microsoft Research, where he leads a group investigating ranking algorithms. Much of his work has contributed to the Microsoft search engine Bing.
Stephen Tomlinson  Stephen Tomlinson
Susan Dumais  
The Noisy Channel  Daniel Tunkelang
Udi Manber   - Udi Manber is a computer scientist, one of the authors of Agrep and GLIMPSE. Formerly, a chief algorithm and a CEO of Amazon A9. Since 2006, he is a one of the VP of engineering at Google.
Yiming Yang  
Yoelle Maarek