Apache Commons Library for Linear Algebra |
COLT - a set of Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing written in Java and developed at CERN (including Linear Algebra).
CSparseJ - a Java port of CSparse (a Concise Sparse matrix package)
Efficient Java Matrix Library (EJML) - a linear algebra library for manipulating dense matrices.
JBLAS - Linear Algebra for Java (dense matrices): a light-wight wrapper around the BLAS and LAPACK routines. Note that it requires native libraries of the LAPACK and BLAS routines.
la4j - linear algebra for Java (both sparse and dense matrices)
Matrix Toolkits Java (MTJ) - a high-performance library for developing linear algebra applications; based on BLAS and LAPACK for its dense and structured sparse computations.
Parallel COLT - a multi-threaded version of COLT