English»Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics»Parsing & Tagging»Constituency and Dependency Parsers | searchivarius.org
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A Fundamental Algorithm for Dependency Parsing  Michael Covington
A Classifier-Based Parser with Linear Run-Time Complexity  Kenji Sagae, Alon Lavie
A Dynamic Oracle for Arc-Eager Dependency Parsing  Yoav Goldberg, Joakim Nivre
A Fast, Effective, Non-Projective, Semantically-Enriched Parser.  Stephen Tratz, Eduard Hovy
Fast and Accurate Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing  Muhua Zhu, Yue Zhang, Wenliang Chen, Min Zhang, Jingbo Zhu
Generating Typed Dependency Parses from Phrase Structure Parses  Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Bill MacCartney, Christopher D. Manning
Slot Grammars  Michael C. McCord - Slot grammars were used in IBM Watson.
Stanford NLP software   - A comprehensive suit of NLP software that includes tokenizers, grammar and POS parsers.