In computing terms, a spell checker or spelling checker is a design feature or a software program designed to verify the spelling of words in a document, helping a user to ensure correct spelling. A spell checker may be implemented as a stand-alone application capable of operating on a block of text; however, spelling checkers are more often implemented as a feature of a larger document-related application (such as a word processor or email client), electronic dictionary or search engine. Read more
A conditional random field for discriminatively-trained finite-state string edit distance Andrew McCallum, Kedar Bellare, Fernando Pereira |
A Spelling Correction Program Based on a Noisy Channel Model Mark D. Kemighan, Kenneth W. Church, William A. Gale |
A technique for computer detection and correction of spelling errors F. J. Damerau - A seminal paper where the author analyzes most common misspellings and suggests the first method of spelling correction
An Improved Error Model for Noisy Channel Spelling Correction E. Brill, R.C. Moore |
Automatic Spelling Correction in Scientific and Scholarly Text Joseph J. Pollock, Antonio Zamora |
Compressing Trigram Language Models With Golomb Coding Ken Church, Ted Hart, Jianfeng Gao |
Development of a Spelling List McIlroy - A seminal paper of Ispell creator
Learning String Edit Distance Eric Sven Ristad , Peter N. Yianilos |
Spellchecking by computer Roger Mitton |
Spelling Correction in Agglutinative Languages K. Oflazer - Spelling correction in agglutinative languages, where new words are composed out of the existing ones, is a very challenging task
Techniques for Automatically Correcting Words in Text K. Kukich - A review of dictionary and n-gram spelling techniques
The first three spelling checkers Les Earnest |