English»Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics»Spell-checking | searchivarius.org
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In computing terms, a spell checker or spelling checker is a design feature or a software program designed to verify the spelling of words in a document, helping a user to ensure correct spelling. A spell checker may be implemented as a stand-alone application capable of operating on a block of text; however, spelling checkers are more often implemented as a feature of a larger document-related application (such as a word processor or email client), electronic dictionary or search engine. Read more

A conditional random field for discriminatively-trained finite-state string edit distance  Andrew McCallum, Kedar Bellare, Fernando Pereira
A Spelling Correction Program Based on a Noisy Channel Model  Mark D. Kemighan, Kenneth W. Church, William A. Gale
A technique for computer detection and correction of spelling errors  F. J. Damerau - A seminal paper where the author analyzes most common misspellings and suggests the first method of spelling correction
An Improved Error Model for Noisy Channel Spelling Correction  E. Brill, R.C. Moore
Automatic Spelling Correction in Scientific and Scholarly Text  Joseph J. Pollock, Antonio Zamora
Compressing Trigram Language Models With Golomb Coding  Ken Church, Ted Hart, Jianfeng Gao
Development of a Spelling List  McIlroy - A seminal paper of Ispell creator
Learning String Edit Distance  Eric Sven Ristad , Peter N. Yianilos
Spellchecking by computer  Roger Mitton
Spelling Correction in Agglutinative Languages  K. Oflazer - Spelling correction in agglutinative languages, where new words are composed out of the existing ones, is a very challenging task
Techniques for Automatically Correcting Words in Text  K. Kukich - A review of dictionary and n-gram spelling techniques
The first three spelling checkers  Les Earnest