English»Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics»Metaphor detection | searchivarius.org
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A Clustering Approach for Nearly Unsupervised Recognition of Nonliteral Language.  Julia Birke, Anoop Sarkar
Cross-Lingual Metaphor Detection Using Common Semantic Features  Yulia Tsvetkov, Elena Mukomel, Anatole Gershman
Identifying metaphorical word use with tree kernels  Dirk Hovy, Shashank Srivastava, Sujay Kumar Jauhar, Mrinmaya Sachan, Kartik Goyal, Huiying Li, Whitney Sanders, Eduard Hovy
Metaphor identification in large texts corpora  Yair Neuman, Dan Assaf, Yohai Cohen, Mark Last, Shlomo Argamon, Newton Howard, Ophir Frieder
Metaphor identification using verb and noun clustering  Ekaterina Shutova
Models of metaphor in NLP  Ekaterina Shutova
Using imageability and topic chaining to locate metaphors in linguistic corpora  George Aaron Broadwell, Umit Boz, Ignacio Cases, Tomek Strzalkowski, Laurie Feldman, Sarah Taylor, Samira Shaikh, Ting Liu, Kit Cho, Nick Webb