Collective annotation of Wikipedia entities in web text Sayali Kulkarni, Amit Singh, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Soumen Chakrabarti |
Collective Entity Linking in Web Text: A Graph-Based Method Xianpei Han, Le Sun, Jun Zhao |
Collective Named Entity Disambiguation using Graph Ranking and Clique Partitioning Approaches Ayman Alhelbawy, Robert Gaizauskas |
DBpedia Spotlight: Shedding Light on the Web of Documents Pablo N. Mendes, Max Jakob, Andrés García-Silva, Christian Bizer |
Exploiting Entity Linking in Queries for Entity Retrieval Faegheh Hasibi, Krisztian Balog, Svein Erik Bratsberg |
Improving Efficiency and Accuracy in Multilingual Entity Extraction Joachim Daiber, Max Jakob, Chris Hokamp, Pablo N Mendes |
TAGME: On-the-fly Annotation of Short Text Fragments (by Wikipedia Entities) Paolo Ferragina, Ugo Scaiella |
Topic Indexing with Wikipedia Olena Medelyan, Ian H. Witten, David Milne |