Building DNN Acoustic Models for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition Andrew L. Maas, Peng Qi, Ziang Xie, Awni Y. Hannun, Christopher T. Lengerich, Daniel Jurafsky, Andrew Y. Ng |
Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition Geoffrey Hinton, Li Deng, Dong Yu, George Dahl, Abdel-rahman Mohamed, Navdeep Jaitly, Andrew Senior, Vincent Vanhoucke, Patrick Nguyen, Tara Sainath, Brian Kingsbury |
Large scale deep neural network acoustic modeling with semi-supervised training data for YouTube video transcription Hank Liao, Erik McDermott, Andrew W. Senior |
Mathematics of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT): with audio applicaitons JO Smith |
Neural Speech Recognizer: Acoustic-to-Word LSTM Model for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition Hagen Soltau, Hank Liao, Hasim Sak |